Changes and Updates
This page provides a comprehensive list of changes and updates that have been made
to the website; a summary of recent areas of activity is given on the home page.
January 2025
- Added scans of some items from the material related to Henry Rosher James
- Updated catalogue of Mordaunt material
November 2024
- Added scans of some items from the material related to Henry Rosher James
- Updated catalogue of Mordaunt material
September 2024
- Updated family trees for descendants of Lionel James/Ethel Clabburn
and Walter Clabburn
- Updated Barnard family history
April 2024
- Family trees showing living people are now available again, but the passwords protecting access to them have changed. Please contact me if you require a new password (which will normally only be provided to family members).
- Family trees for Barnard family and for descendants of Dorothy (Clabburn) Pearson
- Extended Barnard , Mordaunt and Taunton/Wild/Tucker source material catalogues
- Minor updates to Barnard family history page
January 2024
- The entire website was transferred to a new hosting provider after a short hiatus. This meant that family trees showing living people were temporarily unavailable.
November 2023
- Barnard source documents catalogue substantially extended
- Mordaunt and Martin source documents catalogues merged and extended
- Taunton and Wild/Tucker source document catalogues merged and extended
- Clabburn source documents catalogue extended
- Updated and corrected family trees for descendants of Percy Mordaunt Barnard/Alice Mary Taunton and of Lionel James/Ethel Clabburn
February 2023
- Substantially expanded biographical details for Henry James Catling Clabburn (alias James Blyth) on the basis of new research, with some revision to Clabburn family history page and additions to Clabburn source documents catalogue.
- Additions to Rosher and Pascha Barnard document catalogues
October 2022
- Substantially expanded biographical information for Barnard family history page, and updated Father's Ancestors page
- Updated family trees for Barnard and Rosher
- Added source material for Barnard, Clabburn, Mordaunt and Rosher families and for AGT James
June 2022
- Expanded biographical notes on Henry James Catling Clabburn (alias James Blyth)
- Added Clabburn and Barnard source material
May 2022
- Updated family trees for descendants of Lionel and Ethel (née Clabburn) James and of C.H. and Dorothy (née Clabburn) Pearson
- Added source material related to A.G. Trevenen James
January 2022
- Added source material for Clabburn and James families, and for Lionel James and Edith Coulson James
- Revised and expanded notes on Clabburn family and on Robert Lucas Pearsall (the Younger)
- Updated family tree for descendants of Walter Clabburn
October 2021
- Updated family trees for descendants of Lionel and Ethel (née Clabburn) James and of C.H. and Dorothy (née Clabburn) Pearson
- Updated biographical notes on William Houghton Clabburn and added Clabburn source material
- Added Barnard source material
- Added memoirs of Margaret (Mog) Trevenen James
July 2021
- Updated source material catalogues for A.G. Trevenen James and Lionel James and for Barnard, Clabburn and James families.
May 2021
- Added notes on personal biography and family history interests to home page
- Updated Barnard family tree with additional detail on collateral branches and on Mordaunt connections
- Added item on the Mystery of the Disappearing Surnames
- Updated source material catalogues for Lionel James and A.G. Trevenen James
April 2021
- Updated source material catalogues for A.G. Trevenen James and Pascha James.
March 2021
- Added to source material catalogues for Barnard, Lionel James, Edith E Coulson James, and AF James
- Updated biographical notes for AF James
January 2021
- Improved formatting for printing of family history pages and source material catalogues
- Improved on-screen display of some pages, especially of tables
- Corrected navigation panels on source material catalogue pages
- Corrected various minor errors
December 2020
- Reorganised menu and index pages; revised home page and added pages on maternal and paternal ancestors
- Updated and reorganised family trees for Barnard, and for descendants of Percy Mordant Barnard and Louise and Everilda Barnard (Dundas)
- Added family tree for Taunton
- Added 7-generation ancestor tables (Ahnentafeln) for maternal and paternal ancestors
November 2020
- Significantly expanded family tree for Rosher family, and added new tree for Hindle family, showing connections to James, Rosher and other families; other minor additions and corrections
October 2020
- Significantly expanded biographical notes on Harold Hindle James and catalogue of documents associated with him, with many additional scanned documents
May 2020
- Added images for some Barnard documents.
April 2020
- Expanded biographical notes on Arthur Clabburn and Rosey de Pearsall and their family, with associated documents and references
February 2020
- Significantly expanded Clabburn family history page, and associated family tree and documents and references
- Updated family tree for descendants of Adèle Roberton (née Clabburn)
January 2020
- Updated biography and documents for Harold Hindle James
November 2019
- Minor updates and corrections (including Rosher family tree and various additional original documents)
August 2019
- Updated biographical notes for Arthur Edward Clabburn
- Updated family trees for Dorothy (Clabburn) Pearson
May 2019
- Updated and corrected family trees for descendants of Lionel and Ethel (née Clabburn) James, Walter Clabburn and Dorothy Clabburn
- Updated list of pictures by Kitty Geale
March 2019
- Updated biography of Augustus Frederick James and list of pictures by his wife Kitty Geale
- Added various document catalogues
February 2019
- Minor updates for family trees for descendants of Walter Clabburn and of Dorothy Clabburn
- Added documents for James family, Harold Hindle James and Edith E Coulson James
- Updated biographical notes and added photos for Arthur Edward Clabburn
November 2018
- Updated notes on letters from Edith E Coulson James, and added scans and transcripts
March/June/July 2018
- Minor updates and corrections to family trees
June 2017
- Updated biographical notes on Hilary James and Katherine Geale
- Updated tree for descendants of Lionel and Ethel (née Clabburn) James
April 2017
- Added biography of Harold Hindle James
- Updated Clabburn descendant trees for recent additions.
April 2016
- Updated tree for descendants of Lionel and Ethel (née Clabburn) James
December 2015
- Updated tree for descendants of Adele Roberton (nee Clabburn)
- Updated biographical notes on Augustus Frederick James and Katherine Geale
November 2015
- Added biographical notes on Augustus Frederick James and Katherine Anna Geale
- Expanded biographical notes on Lionel and Ethel James
May 2015
- Most family trees are now provided as scrollable web-pages (SVG files) as well as as printable PDF files, and include clickable links to adjoining trees and to biographical notes on individuals.
- Updated trees for descendants of Lionel and Ethel James and of Dorothy Pearson for recent additions.
- Added trees showing descendants of Mordaunt Barnard by both his wives
- Updated trees showing James and Trevenen families, James links to Coulson and Leah families, Rosher family, descendants of Henry Rosher James
Mar 2015
- Added initial drafts of biographies of Robert Lucas Pearsall and of Arthur and Rosey Clabburn
- Expanded page on Clabburn Family
- Updated biographical notes on Lionel and Ethel James
Feb 2015
- Updated Clabburn descendants trees
Jan 2014
- Updated Clabburn descendants trees
July/Aug 2013
- Updated Clabburn/Pearsall page and Clabburn descendants trees
May 2011
- Added indexes to original documents
- Miscellaneous corrections and updates
November 2010
- Added Lionel James material
- Updated Walter Clabburn descendants tree
July 2010
- Added pages and trees on James Family
- Expanded details and added pictures to Clabburn/Pearsall page
June 2010
- Reformatted to remove HTML frames
- Added birth brief to home page
- Expanded details about Arthur Edward Clabburn and Rosey de Pearsall
- Added Barnard ancestors page and tree
- Corrected some errors in Walter Clabburn descendants tree
October 2009
Initial version of site